our credo
World Presbyterian Church of Jesus General Assembly As members, with the most sincere heart, only the Bible,
and the whole bible We believe in the accurate and inerrant Word of God written by the inspiration of God.
We believe that the Bible is the only guide and rule of our faith and life.
Also, we read the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Greater and Smaller Catechisms
We believe in the most accurate summary and accurate interpretation of the Bible and faithfully follow it.
We, the members of The General Assembly of WKPC, wholeheartedly believe in the Bible; that it is accurate and inerrant for it was inspired by God.
We believe that the Bible is our only guidance and law.
We also believe and faithfully follow that the Westminster Confession of Faith,
and that the Larger & Shorter Catechism have summarized
and interpreted the Bible most accurately.