General Assembly of the World Presbyterian Church announces the 48th Preaching License examination as follows:
*Applicants can choose to take all documents and examinations in either Korean or English.
Eligibility for Application
Graduates and prospective graduates of the Master of Divinity (M.Div) program at the International Reformed University and Seminary, directly managed by the General Assembly.
Graduates and prospective graduates of Master of Divinity (M. Div) programs recognized by the General Assembly.
Ministerial candidates affiliated with presbyteries under the General Assembly.
Date and Venue
Date of Examination: June 3, 2024, 2-6 PM
Venue of General Assembly: Newcomer's Room @ The Korean Church of Queens, 89-00 23rd Ave. East Elmhurst NY 11369
During the examination period, examinees are responsible for their own lodging and meals.
Written Exam: Church History, Systematic Theology, History of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, Constitution
Submission Exam: Exegesis, Thesis, Sermon
Contents of Submission Exam:
Exegesis: Isaiah 6:1-13
Thesis: Discuss the doctrinal conflict between Paul's "Justification by Faith" and James's "Justification by Works" from a Reformed perspective
Sermon: Matthew 20:1-16
Oral Exam: After the written exam
Information on preparation materials and references for the Written Exam will be sent after receipt of application documents and examination fees by the Examination Committee.
Guidelines for Submission Examination Subjects
Exegesis, thesis, and sermon should be written following the below guidelines. One copy should be printed and submitted, and another should be sent as a PDF file via email to the secretary of the Examination Committee.
Use Letter Size (8.5 x 11) paper.
For Korean font, use size 11 with 160% line spacing.
For English font, use size 12 with double space.
The thesis should be at least 15 pages, exegesis at least 10 pages each, and the sermon manuscript should be about 20 minutes in length.
Thesis and exegesis should follow the Turabian style of writing with footnotes.
When sending PDF files, name the file with the applicant's name and the title of the thesis.
All documents should first be sent as PDF files via email, and originals should be mailed to the secretary of the Examination Committee.
For further details and questions, please contact the secretary of the Examination Committee, Rev. Jongun Seo.
Application Documents
One copy of the official degree certificate or proof of impending graduation for Master of Divinity (M. Div)
One copy of the full academic transcript from the theological seminary
One recommendation letter from the presbytery moderator
One certificate of candidacy for ministry from the presbytery
One resume (detailed religious experience required)
Two profile photos (2 inch x 2 inch)
Examination fee: $300.00 (Payable to G.A.W.P.C.)
Submission Instructions for Documents
All application documents must be received by the secretary by April 3, 2024.
Thesis, exegesis, and sermon must be received by the secretary by May 3, 2024.
All submitted examination manuscripts will not be returned.
Announcement of exam results will be made during the 48th General Assembly, and the certificate of preaching license will be handed over to the moderator of the respective presbytery during the General Assembly, after which the certificate can be received at the licensing ceremony in each presbytery.
Where to Submit Application Documents and Thesis
Secretary of the Examination Committee: Rev. Jongun Seo
Mailing Address: 9522 Haskell Ave North Hills CA 92343
Contact for Examination Inquiries
Head of the Examination Committee: Rev. Guy Nam Ko, 213-820-0003
Secretary of the Examination Committee: Rev. Jongun Seo, 818-515-5731